
What is Space 134?

The Glendale "Space 134" project is a concept study for a "freeway cap park" over the 134 Freeway from Central Avenue to Glendale Avenue. The freeway cap park would connect the community to the City's civic, cultural, and business core through public open space and pedestrian and bike friendly trails.

What will it look like?

While the project is still in the initial concept stage, vision for the Space 134 has been broken down into various phases:
    Near-Term Phase: includes improvements to existing bridges, incorporation of public art and adding pedestrian lighting to roads & bridges.

      Mid-Term Phase: explores partially capping the 134 Freeway in certain sections between Central Avenue and Glendale Avenue.

      Long-Term Phase: The project team has explored a long-term vision for the cap, imagining the potential for over 20 acres of open space, including a convention and events center, transit facilities, active sports facilities, passive open space and a potential reconfiguration of existing retail centers. 

      Who is paying for it?

      Currently the project is in the concept, planning and outreach stage.  This phase is entirely funded by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) through their Compass Blueprint Grant which was awarded to the City of Glendale in 2012. 

      SCAG is a program that supports conceptual planning studies that promote its goal of 
      • focusing growth in existing and emerging centers and along major transportation corridors, 
      • to create significant areas of mixed use development and walkable communities, and 
      • to target growth around existing and planned transit stations. 
      The Glendale Compass Blueprint Grant specifically aims to implement policies supported in the City's Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) and Mobility Study (MS).

      The City will continue to pursue further grant opportunities from SCAG, Cal Trans  and additional state and federal grants to fund more detailed planning studies, extensive community outreach, and economic pro formas to determine appropriate amenities for the park.

      How do I get involved?

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